Croatian Pilot Action Documents
01. Case Study Description - ECOCORTEC
02. Assessment Report - ECOCORTEC
03. Outcomes of Business Support Service - JAFRA PRINT SOLIN
04. Case Study Description - JAFRA PRINT SOLIN
05. Country Assessment - Croatia
Throughout Interreg Central Europe BIOCOMPACK-CE project, we performed 21 Pilot Actions where we developed, tested and refined our support tools with packaging industry value chain participants. With those Pilot Actions we verified the support service, the cross-sectoral approach in technology transfer processes, and market and economic feasibility assessment.
On this section of PaperBioPack platform you can download many interesting documents that refer to those Pilot Actions, including case studies, scenarios and country reports. All documents are in English.
Click on the country flag to open a list of documents referring to Pilot Actions performed in that country.
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